Pediatric Surgery

44,273 Views · 9 months ago

Prenatal repair of myelomeningocele (MMC), the most common and severe form of spina bifida, is a delicate surgical procedure where fetal surgeons open the uterus and close the opening in the baby's back while they are still in the womb.

marin vinasco
1,695 Views · 9 months ago

Come Si Può Rimanere Incinta, Rimanere Incinta A 42 Anni Naturalmente, Settimane Di Gravidanza--- --- Come rimanere incinta in modo naturale La sterilità può essere generalmente definita come l'incapacità di avere una gravidanza dopo aver provato per almeno un anno senza l'uso di contraccettivi. Nei paesi occidentali la sterilità colpisce circa il 15% della popolazione. Mentre c'è chi cerca di concepire con metodi alternativi come la fecondazione in vitro, altri preferiscono ottimizzare le probabilità di rimanere incinta naturalmente. Cercare di rimanere incinta naturalmente può essere molto importante dal momento che molte coppie o individui con diagnosi di sterilità possono tornare ad essere fertili senza trattamenti (e quindi si dovrebbe parlare di "sub-fertilità" piuttosto che di "sterilità"). Quando si cerca di rimanere incinta naturalmente, il fattore più importante è capire il ciclo mestruale e la tempistica di ovulazione, che porta ad ottimizzare le possibilità di ottenere una gravidanza. Di solito l'ovulazione avviene intorno al quattordicesimo giorno e, di conseguenza, per ottenere una gravidanza naturale la coppia dovrebbe avere più rapporti sessuali possibili tra il dodicesimo e il quindicesimo giorno. Ogni donna ha un ciclo leggermente diverso. Per cui, per migliorare le probabilità di rimanere incinta, è indispensabile studiare i propri cicli e calcolare con esattezza quando si ovula. L'antico Sistema Olistico Cinese In 5-passi Per Rimanere Incita Naturalmente E Avere Bimbi Sani Clicca sul link

samer kareem
2,269 Views · 9 months ago

Repairing a myelomeningocele in utero, rather than after birth, reduces the risk for fetal or neonatal death and the need for shunting by age 1 and substantially improves neurologic and motor outcomes. However, it is not without maternal and fetal risks. These are the findings, in a nutshell, of the long-awaited Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS), which were published online February 9 in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Alicia Berger
2,525 Views · 9 months ago

Rare condition disorder known as Diprosopus, also known as craniofacial duplication. Diprosopus is a congenital defect also known as craniofacial duplication. The exact description of diprosopus refers to a fetus with a single trunk, normal limbs, and facial features that are duplicated to a certain degree. A less severe instance is when the fetus has a duplicated nose and the eyes are spaced far apart. In the most extreme instances, the entire face is duplicated, hence the name diprosopus, which is Greek for two-faced. Fetuses with diprosopus often also lack brains (anencephaly), have neural tube defects, or heart malformations. In some cases, if the brain is formed, it may have duplicated structures. Most infants with diprosopus are stillborn and there are fewer than fifty cases documented since 1864.

samer kareem
19,797 Views · 9 months ago

CTR is a surgery in which the narrowed part of the airway just below the voice box (larynx) is removed and the voice box and windpipe (trachea) are sewn back together. It is also used to treat other airway problems.

samer kareem
14,790 Views · 9 months ago

Miracle baby's heart beats outside her chest

samer kareem
12,768 Views · 9 months ago

Fundoplication Surgery for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Guide. During fundoplication surgery, the upper curve of the stomach (the fundus) is wrapped around the esophagus and sewn into place so that the lower portion of the esophagus passes through a small tunnel of stomach muscle.

8,257 Views · 9 months ago

A plastic surgeon in China has successfully grown an artificial ear on a man's arm in a pioneering medical procedure. The patient, surnamed Ji, lost his right ear in an accident and yearned to have it back. Doctor Guo Shuzhong from a hospital in Xi'an, China's Shaanxi Province, used Mr Ji's cartilage from his ribs to build the new ear; and he expects to transplanted the organ to the man's head in about four months. According to the Huanqiu report, Mr Ji sustained serious injuries in the right side of his face in a traffic accident about a year ago. His right ear was torn from his face. The man, whose age is not specified, has since received multiple surgical operations to restore his facial skin and his cheeks. However, he felt frustrated about losing his right ear for good. The patient told a report from China News: 'I lost one ear. I have always felt that I am not complete.' Having sought medical advice from multiple sources, Ji realised that it was impossible to restore his ear through conventional medical procedures as a substantial part of his right ear had gone missing. Upon hearing recommendations, Mr Ji went to see doctor Guo Shuzhong, who works at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University in the city of Xi'an. Doctor Guo, a renowned plastic surgeon, conducted China's first face transplant operation in 2006, according to China Daily.

21,301 Views · 9 months ago

The baby suffered from ectopia cordis, a rare condition where a baby's heart is located either partially or totally outside the chest. Only 8 out of 1 million babies are born with the condition, and 90 percent of those babies are either stillborn or die within the first three days of life.

samer kareem
6,210 Views · 9 months ago

Before Dr. Benjamin Carson became the first person to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head, before he had a TV movie made about his life, before he became known for his "gifted hands" and before he became head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins, Ben Carson was headed down the wrong path in life.

samer kareem
7,258 Views · 9 months ago

Fifth disease is a mild rash illness caused by parvovirus B19. This disease, also called erythema infectiosum, got its name because it was fifth in a list of historical classifications of common skin rash illnesses in children. It is more common in children than adults. A person usually gets sick with fifth disease within 4 to 14 days after getting infected with parvovirus B19.

4,588 Views · 9 months ago

Surgeons at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia were the first to perform a bilateral hand transplant on a child. Our research and work in this groundbreaking field of medicine led us to establish the Hand Transplantation Program. Combining the expertise of the Penn Transplant Institute and the Hospital’s Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Division of Orthopedics, the program aims to improve quality of life for children who may benefit from this procedure. This is Zion, one year after the surgery

3,050 Views · 9 months ago

Surgeons at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia were the first to perform a bilateral hand transplant on a child. Our research and work in this groundbreaking field of medicine led us to establish the Hand Transplantation Program. Combining the expertise of the Penn Transplant Institute and the Hospital’s Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Division of Orthopedics, the program aims to improve quality of life for children who may benefit from this procedure.

4,847 Views · 9 months ago

What is Myelomeningocele and how does it affect my baby? Myelomeningocele (MMC), one of the most severe forms of spina bifida, is a condition where the fetus’ spinal cord fails to close during development. This happens between 20 and 28 days of gestation, often before a woman knows she is pregnant. Because the spinal cord does not close, many of the nerves are exposed, resulting in damage to the cord as the pregnancy continues. Spina bifida can impact the nervous system, bones and muscles, kidneys and bladder. The location on the spine where the undeveloped area occurs is called the level of the spina bifida. Because nerve damage at this site prevents function below that level, the higher the level, the greater the impact on normal development and function. The opening in the spinal cord also results in loss of the fluid surrounding the nervous system. This causes the brain to be positioned further down into the upper spinal column than normal, which is called an Arnold Chiari II malformation. When this happens, the normal flow of fluid out of the brain is obstructed, causing Hydrocephalus, an excess of cerebrospinal fluid within the brain. After birth, most children with Hydrocephalus need to have the extra fluid shunted out of the brain into the abdomen via a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. MMC affects about 1 in every 1,000 babies, and it ranges in severity. Some children, with mild cases very low on the spinal cord, can function nearly normally. More severe cases can cause leg weakness and paralysis, as well as Hydrocephalus, and the Arnold Chiari malformation. People with MMC often live long lives, especially if the condition is diagnosed and treated early. How is Myelomeningocele diagnosed? At about 15 weeks gestation, a blood test measuring the levels of alpha-fetoprotein can show the physician that there might be a problem. After that, an ultrasound is performed to detect the MMC, but also to detect the conditions that can result from it, such as Hydrocephalus, the Chiari malformation, and any problems with the lower extremities. In all cases, we perform a fetal MRI to gain more detailed information and we perform a fetal echocardiogram (echo) to rule out any problem with the heart. What is the prenatal surgery for Myelomeningocele, and how does it differ from postnatal surgery? Until recently, the only way to treat MMC was surgery after birth. But, now that the nine-year long Management of Myelomeningocele (MOMS) trial has been completed, we know that repairing the MMC before birth, in the womb, can be beneficial to the baby’s outcome. The SSM Health St. Louis Fetal Care Institute has one of the fastest growing fetal MMC repair programs in the country. The results of the trial found that prenatal treatment helps reduce, or even eliminate, the major complications of MMC—the Hydrocephalus, the Chiari malformation, and the lack of movement in the lower extremities. Diagnosis and repair of the MMC before birth can make a big difference in the way the baby develops. The MOMS trial showed that babies treated in the womb need half the VP shunts, often have reversal of the Arnold-Chiari malformation, and are more likely to walk, at least until 30 months. Long-term follow up data of children treated with prenatal surgery is still being collected, so the benefit beyond 30 months is not fully known. The operation for open fetal surgery for MMC repair involves making a small opening in the uterus, then closing the spinal cord opening just like after birth. The womb is repaired and the mother is in the hospital for four to five days. The surgery is performed between 19 and 26 weeks of the pregnancy. Mothers usually stay locally for about two weeks so that we can monitor the pregnancy. After this, they can return home for delivery. Because of the scar caused by the surgery on the uterus, the baby and all future babies have to be delivered by Cesarean birth. The benefit to the fetal repair is several fold. First, the spine is protected after the fetal repair. The spine can no longer be damaged during the pregnancy and after. Second, the leakage of CSF is stopped. We think that this causes the brain to rise back into the skull, allowing the fluid within the brain to drain normally and preventing the development of Hydrocephalus. As with any prenatal surgery, there are risks to both the mother and the baby. Our team at the Fetal Care Institute will discuss all of the risks and benefits of the surgery with you and your family, so you can make the best decision for your baby. The standard care for babies with spina bifida is to repair the defect after birth. The neurosurgeon closes the opening of the spinal cord, and restores the muscle, skin, and tissue to cover it. Unfortunately, postnatal surgery cannot restore any of the function that has been lost during the pregnancy, and the damage from Hydrocephalus, the Chiari malformation, and/or loss of movement are then permanent. How will Myelomeningocele impact my baby after birth? MMC is a disease affecting many parts of the body. There can be a major impact on a baby’s leg and hip movement, depending on the level of the defect. Problems with Hydrocephalus and the Arnold-Chiari malformation need to be followed carefully. Because the spinal cord also affects urine and bowel function, these bodily functions often need to be managed to prevent complications. Optimally, babies need to be followed in a spina bifida clinic, where a team of specialists work together to help determine the best course of treatment. At SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, a long established spina bifida clinic is available for follow up care after birth. This is a very specialized clinic in which many doctors of different specialties and nurses are dedicated to the care of these babies.

6,791 Views · 9 months ago

Spina Bifida

3,677 Views · 9 months ago

How To Get Pregnant, Ways To Get Pregnant, Best Days To Get Pregnant, Easiest Way To Get Pregnant.

Signs Of Infertility

What Exactly Is Infertility?

The problems with either conceiving a child, or with carrying out the pregnancy to its eventual fruitful end, fall under the definition of infertility. Infertility is the incapability of an individual to become pregnant, in case of females, or the incapability to induce pregnancy, in case of the males.

The inability of an individual to carry out a pregnancy to its full term is also dubbed infertility. How does one recognize infertility? What are the signs of infertility?

Signs of infertility in women:
Children At Age 43 After Years Of "Trying".
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12,468 Views · 9 months ago

4 mth old child with left incomplete cleft lip repaired with advancement-rotation flap. Markings, steps of procedure recorded

Mohamed Ibrahim
16,363 Views · 9 months ago

A club foot, or congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV), is a congenital deformity involving one foot or both. The affected foot appears rotated internally at the ankle. TEV is classified into 2 groups: Postural TEV or Structural TEV.

Without treatment, persons afflicted often appear to walk on their ankles, or on the sides of their feet. It is a common birth defect, occurring in about one in every 1,000 live births. Approximately 50% of cases of clubfoot are bilateral. In most cases it is an isolated dysmelia. This occurs in males more often than in females by a ratio of 2:1. A condition of the same name appears in animals, particularly horses.

8,895 Views · 9 months ago

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is done to remove fat deposits from underneath the skin. Common areas that are treated: the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, upper arms, chest and neck. (use medical graphic of body with labeled parts) The procedure is usually done as an outpatient under some combination of local anesthesia and/or sedation:. This means you are awake but relaxed and pain free. Depending on the number of areas to be treated and the specific technique selected, it may take from one to several hours. A small incision (cut) is made through the skin near the area of the fat deposit. Multiple incisions may be needed if a wide area or multiple areas are being done. A long hollow tube called a cannula will be inserted through this incision. Prior to inserting the cannula, the doctor may inject a solution of salt water that contains an anesthetic (numbing) medication and another medication to decrease bleeding. The cannula is then inserted and moved under the skin in a way to loosen the fat deposits so they may be suctioned out. Because a significant amount of body fluid is removed with the fat, an intravenous (through the veins) fluid line will be kept going during the procedure.

A recent technique called “ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty” uses a special cannula that liquefies the fat cells with ultrasonic energy. You should ask your doctor which technique he/she will use and how it will affect the type of anesthesia you will need and the length of the procedure.

Why is this procedure performed?
Liposuction is done to restore a more normal contour to the body. The procedure is sometimes described as body sculpting. It should be limited to fat deposits that are not responsive to diet and exercise. It is suggested that you should be within 20of your ideal body weight at the time of surgery. If you are planning to lose weight you should delay this procedure. This is not obesity surgery. The maximum amount of fat that can be removed is usually less than 10 pounds. The best results are achieved in people who still have firm and elastic skin. Although rare, there are risks and complications that can occur with liposuction. You should be aware that all the complications are increased if you are a smoker. You will need to quit smoking or at least avoid smoking for a month before and after surgery. If you have had prior surgeries near any of the areas to be treated, this may increase the risk of complications and you should discuss this with your doctor. Any history of heart disease, diabetes, bleeding problems or blood clots in your legs may make you more prone to post-operative problems and you should discuss these with your doctor. Finally, as with any cosmetic procedure it is important to have realistic expectations. The goals, limitations, and expectations of the procedure should be discussed openly and in detail with your doctor. Most insurance companies do not cover cosmetic surgery.

What should I expect during the post-operative period?
After surgery you should be able to go home but you will need someone to drive you. In the first few days after surgery it is common for the incisions to drain fluid and you will have to change dressings frequently. Fresh blood is not usual and if you have any bleeding you should call your doctor immediately. In some cases a small tube may have been placed through the skin to allow drainage. You will be limited to sponge baths until the drains and dressings are removed. After that you may take showers but no baths for 2 weeks. You may experience pain, burning, and numbness for a few days. Take pain medicine as prescribed by your doctor. You may notice a certain amount of bruising and swelling. The bruising will disappear gradually over 1 to 2 weeks. Some swelling may last for up to 6 months. If you have skin sutures they will be removed in 7 to 10 days. You should be able to be up and moving around the house the day after surgery but avoid any strenuous activity for about 1

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