Reproductive Health

Pablo Dickerson
2,269 Views · 1 year ago

How to order generic Viagra pills online at AssertMeds offers Generic medicines for men's erectile dysfunction such as Sildenafil Citrate, Viagra Generic Online, Kamagra 100mg, Caverta, Super P Force etc and for women's sexual dysfunction like as Lovegra.

40,233 Views · 1 year ago

Men and women have anatomical differences when it comes to genitals, but orgasms are fundamentally very similar. The female orgasm lasts longer than the male, ranging about 20 seconds compared to 3 to 10 seconds, but men do experience more orgasms.

7,945 Views · 1 year ago

Oral sex is a commonly performed act of foreplay involving the kissing or licking of the genital area to pleasure a partner. However, it is sometimes stated that the act alone can increase the risk of throat cancer. Is this really the case?

21,203 Views · 1 year ago

Masturbating is totally healthy, and totally normal. There are tons of myths out there meant to scare you into thinking masturbation is wrong or bad. But the truth is masturbation is perfectly safe. Masturbating won't make you blind, crazy, or stupid. It won’t damage your genitals, cause pimples, or stunt your growth. It doesn’t use up all your orgasms or ruin other kinds of sex. In fact, masturbation can actually be good for you. Here are some benefits of masturbation: Masturbation is safer than any other type of sex. You can’t get pregnant or get any sexually transmitted infections from masturbating. Masturbation can help you learn what you like and don’t like sexually. And if you decide to have sex with someone, you can know what you do/don’t want to do. BONUS: getting comfortable talking about sex and your body with your partner makes it easier to talk about protecting yourself against STDs and pregnancy, too. Exploring your body and learning how to give yourself sexual pleasure can be empowering and help improve your body image. Masturbation can lower stress and help you relax. It even helps some people fall asleep. Having an orgasm releases endorphins — feel good chemicals in your brain. Orgasms can be a natural painkiller and can even help with period cramps. Mutual masturbation (masturbating with a partner) is a really safe way to have sex and let the other person know what feels good to you. If you share a sex toy, use condoms on the toy and clean it before swapping. And if you touch each other’s genitals, wash your hands before touching your own. Can I get an STD from masturbating? Nope. Masturbating is the safest sexual activity out there. There is virtually NO chance of getting an STD or any other infection from touching your own genitals (and there’s also no chance of pregnancy). STDs have to be passed from one person to another, so you can’t give yourself an STD. The one exception to this is herpes - so if you have any cold sores on your mouth and touch them, make sure to wash your hands before masturbating. But it IS possible to get an STD if you’re masturbating with another person and touching each other’s genitals. Anytime semen (cum) or vaginal fluids are spread to someone else’s body, or your genitals rub against each other, there’s a risk of STDs. So if you touch each other’s genitals, wash your hands before touching your own. STDs can also be spread by sharing sex toys with another person. You can help protect yourself by using condoms on any toys that you share (even if they’re not shaped like a penis). Put a new condom on anytime a different person uses it. If you’re the only one using your sex toys, you don’t have to worry about STDs. But if you use them with other people, protect those sex toys just like you’d protect your own genitals — put a condom on ‘em! It’s possible for masturbation to cause irritation or infections if your body is sensitive to the way you masturbate or the things you masturbate with — but this isn’t the same thing as an STD. Lotions, Vaseline, oils, and scented or flavored stuff may irritate your vulva and vagina. Masturbating roughly and not using lubrication can also lead to irritation because of friction. And germs from the anus can cause vaginal infections — so never put something in your vagina that’s been in your butt without washing it or covering it with a condom. If you’re worried that you have an STD because of pain, itching, or discomfort in your genitals, go to your doctor or your local Planned Parenthood health center.

7,786 Views · 1 year ago

ormal sperm densities range from 15 million to greater than 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. You are considered to have a low sperm count if you have fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter or less than 39 million sperm total per ejaculate.

6,824 Views · 1 year ago

The oral contraceptive pill, commonly known as "the pill," is a hormone-based method of preventing pregnancy. It can also help resolve irregular menstruation, painful or heavy periods, endometriosis, acne, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Birth control pills work by preventing ovulation. No egg is produced, so there is nothing for the sperm to fertilize. Pregnancy cannot occur. "The pill" is used by nearly 16 percent of women aged 15 to 44 years in the United States, and it has both advantages and disadvantages. People with different risk factors may be advised to use a particular kind of pill. There are different types of contraceptive pills. They all contain synthetic forms of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, or both. Synthetic progesterone is called progestin. Combination pills contain progestin and estrogen. The "mini pill," contains only progestin. Monophasic pills all contain the same balance of hormones. With phasic pills, two or three different types of pill are taken each month, each with a different balance of hormones.

6,265 Views · 1 year ago

A diaphragm is a shallow, bendable cup that you put inside your vagina. It covers your cervix during sex to prevent pregnancy.

3,968 Views · 1 year ago

To many men and women Viagra is known as a male enhancement medication. But what does this “enhancement” mean? Frequently men use Viagra and its analogs as stimulators for a better sexual performance – enhancing libido and increasing stamina. And they get disappointed, because these drugs are not stimulators. They should be administered for one particular purpose – to improve the quality of erection in men having erectile disorders of various etiology. At the same time, Viagra as well as any sildenafil-based meds, do not enhance low sex drive (they are not aphrodisiacs) and do not improve men’s stamina or change sensations. To understand whether you need to buy Viagra online, one should know its mechanisms of action.

13,537 Views · 1 year ago

What are the disadvantages of male condoms? a moderately high failure rate when used improperly or inconsistently. the potential for diminished sensation. skin irritation, such as contact dermatitis, due to latex sensitivity or allergy. allergic reactions to spermicides, lubes, scents, and other chemicals in the condoms.

52,536 Views · 1 year ago

There are lots of fallacies about the missionary position being the best position for getting pregnant. With the woman on her back and her partner on top, it is thought that gravity will assist the sperm to swim upwards towards the egg.

16,786 Views · 1 year ago

Female condoms are easy to use with a little practice. Here are the basics on how to insert, use, and remove a female condom.

7,357 Views · 1 year ago

Pinch air out of the tip of the condom. Unroll condom all the way down the penis. After sex but before pulling out, hold the condom at the base. Then pull out, while holding the condom in place. Carefully remove the condom and throw it in the trash.

3,690 Views · 1 year ago

Most condoms are made of latex rubber, but they can also be made from lamb cecum or polyurethane. In addition to their contraceptive value, condom use has been found effective in preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

8,108 Views · 1 year ago

To use the diaphragm, first cover the inside of it with spermicide. Then insert it into your vagina so that it covers your cervix. You can insert the diaphragm up to 6 hours before sex. You should leave it in for at least 6 hours after the last time you have sex.

samer kareem
3,240 Views · 1 year ago

how do you know if I have a clogged duct or mastitis? You'll always have a clogged duct before you have mastitis and sometimes mastitis can be prevented if you jump on it fast enough. A clogged duct may be red, it can be a tender lump on one side or the other, just feel a little bit painful in one area when you nurse, and the best thing to do is apply warm compresses especially before nursing, massage the area from your armpit down towards the nipple, and then nurse your baby. The goal is to unclog that duct, get your baby to fully empty the breast, and hopefully it will prevent an infection. An infection or mastitis develops if the clogged duct isn't unclogged and bacteria start to harbor and grow and then you have an infection. Symptoms can be the same as a clogged duct as far as how the breasts feel. You might notice a red tender area or a lump. In addition to that you usually do have a fever or flu-like symptoms or just have generalized malaise, and fatigue, and aches. If you feel this way, call your doctor as soon as possible because it requires treatment. An antibiotic is the treatment as well as drinking lots of fluids and nursing your baby as frequently as possible. The milk that comes from the clogged duct is not harmful for your baby but sometimes it tastes a little extra salty and babies refuse it. If that's the case be sure to pump so that you're emptying your breast frequently. The more frequently you empty your breast the quicker you'll get over the infection. Also, of course, taking the antibiotics your doctor has prescribed and be sure to finish the entire course. If you have any other questions for me in the future feel free to ask them on our Facebook page at and recommend us to your friends and family too.

samer kareem
6,529 Views · 1 year ago

Many mothers notice engorgement, or over-filled breasts, at some point or the other while they are breast-feeding their baby and it is especially common to experience when your baby is first born and you are just starting to make milk. So for the first couple of days you make colostrum and then 2-5 days later your milk comes in. And sometimes it comes in with a vengeance and all of the sudden you feel really full and it can be painful and very uncomfortable. Normally your milk supply will even out and start to work well with your babys demand, so it is kind of a supply and demand type of function, but until then, if you feel engorgement, there are a few things you can do to relieve it. If you are nursing your baby on demand this will usually help to self-regulate and most young babies want to eat every 2-3 hours and sometimes even every hour. So, basically, the more often your breasts are emptied the more relief you will feel. But on the same hand, the more you nurse the more milk your body will probably produce. This is why it is good to go off of your babys cues because then you will make what your baby needs and hopefully not much more. But if you are making more than your baby needs and you find that you are still full after feedings you will probably have to either manually express some milk or pump it off, so have a good pump available in case you need to, and if you don't, you can manually express the milk by gently massaging from the armpit down towards the nipple. And you can also try using heat prior to nursing your baby or pumping milk off and this will also help to relax things and help you to get the milk out. Take a warm shower and then feed your baby or use a warm compress.

samer kareem
22,121 Views · 1 year ago

The importance of uninterrupted contact between mother and newborn SHOW MORE

samer kareem
5,728 Views · 1 year ago

The first week after birth: What to expect

samer kareem
23,312 Views · 1 year ago

For the first few days after giving birth, a new mother’s breasts remain soft. They will produce colostrum. Colostrum, the first milk, is available in just the right amount, and is rich in immune factors that protect newborns. Sometime during the next few days, the breasts will become full, firm, warm, and perhaps tender. When this occurs, people say: “the milk is coming in!” The scientific term for this event is: engorgement. Engorgement is normal, and lasts for various periods of time depending on the individual woman. Some women experience only a day or so of mild, easy-to-manage engorgement. For other women, engorgement may be more intense, and can last from several days to two weeks.

samer kareem
14,546 Views · 1 year ago

Home > Baby > Breastfeeding > Top 10 Tips for Boosting Your Breast Milk Supply Top 10 Tips for Boosting Your Breast Milk Supply COMMENTS () | PRINT A nursing mom’s biggest worry is whether or not she’s making enough milk. We’ve gathered 10 tips to help you bump up your milk production. This gallery is not intended to substitute medical advice. If you have any concerns, contact a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider immediately. 1. Nurse, Nurse, Nurse Breasts work on demand. The more your little one nurses, the more milk your body will create. When your little one is going through a growth spurt, it’s easy to fall into thinking, “my baby is so hungry I must not have enough milk.” What’s really happening is your baby is priming your body to have enough milk to support how big your baby will be after the spurt. The worst thing for your supply is to supplement with formula during a growth spurt. It can be hard to devote most of your day to nursing, but it’s the best thing for your baby, and your supply.

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